Archive | January, 2004


31 Jan

I am Strength

Strength represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mold situations softly. The Chariot controls through mastery and authority. Card 8 is more subtle, even loving. Notice how the lion (itself a symbol of strength) is being guided and tamed by the woman’s gentle hands.

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Dad’s home!

31 Jan

With a bucket full of medication, three new coronary artery stints and ultra low blood pressure, Dad is home and so happy to be there. A girlfriend of mine was his nurse on discharge and took great care to get him out of there fast which was his wish. Dad is not happy about all of the pills he now has to take but otherwise is fine…. whew. Here’s hoping there is no restenosis with this new kind of valve.

30 Jan

He’s in surgery now, waiting for the call that they are done and moving hin our of OR and into a room.


30 Jan

“I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with roughest
courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frostworks, but the solidest thing we know.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bad News

30 Jan

Dad called today from the hospital in pineville to say that they had found blockage in his heart and that he was being transported by ambulance to CMC for a stint insertion and maybe more. Trying to be and stay calm on this end, but I’m very concerned. Chuck is on his way home and then I’ll be on my way to the hospital once he gets home.

29 Jan

I need to get out! I planned to maybe go do some shopping this evening and then head up to breakfast club, BUT now the baby has a fever so we wil see if I can leave 😦 It seems that we will never be all well this winter at the same time. (YUP I’m still deaf. Seeing the doctor again next week.) Spades was fun last night but short lived. We all ended up chatting instead which was fine. My dog Chester had the best fun of all i think, with obie becuase he’s not afraid to play rough. Off to look after the baby 😦

In so many ways, this is wrong..

29 Jan

Baby Aerosmith

2 am

28 Jan

Why do I like 2 am? It is quiet, It is the only time I get to think without someone chattering in my ear, climbing in my lap to nurse, or spilling my soda. I can write about nothing or the most important things and reflect on life outside the bathroom, which is the only off limits room in the house. Even if mom is in the bathroom for an hour LEAVE HER ALONE!! I can salt soak my belly piercing at two am with a kids cup and no one will try to drink from it . I love my life, and I love my quiet time when I can think on it. The best part of my life, totally the best? Uncontrolable mirth from my kids. That is the best sound in the world. The second best, going to sleep with my nose burried in baby hair, where I am headed right now…


27 Jan

INTJ – “Mastermind”. Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.

Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

27 Jan

Okay I’ve dusted off the machine and I hope to get some quilting done tonight. i have one top in need of a border and lots of material that is wanting to be made into tops. Right now i have no space for the actual quilting so I’ll have to save some pennies to send them out on commission.